Andrew Craigie Andrew Craigie

Bio-Based Plastic Won’t Solve the Plastic Problem

If you order takeout in Los Angeles and your meal comes with a compostable fork made from PLA—a common bio-based plastic—you’re not supposed to toss the utensil in your curbside compost bin. The city doesn’t want any products or packaging labeled “biodegradable” or “compostable,” saying that the materials don’t actually break down quickly enough even at commercial composting facilities. The fork also can’t go in a recycling bin, since it can contaminate other materials. And if it ends up in a landfill or the ocean, it may last as long as if it had been made from regular plastic.

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Andrew Craigie Andrew Craigie

‘Compostable Plastic’ Doesn’t Live Up to Its Environmental Claims. Here’s What You Can Focus On Instead

So as demand for climate action escalates and the dangers of plastics become more evident, consumers are turning to so-called compostable and biodegradable alternatives for things like food containers, cups, plates, cutlery and bags, in hopes of mitigating further climate and environmental harms. But unfortunately, researchers say those products are also a problem.

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